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Resbite es una startup tecnológica con la misión de cambiar el mundo y reinventar la forma en que usamos la tecnología para facilitar las redes sociales. En lugar de conectarnos entre nosotros de una manera virtual, similar a cómo funcionan las redes sociales, nos unirá en el mundo real.


Branding guidelines, part of the branding work that the Creamos agency did for the mobile app called Resbite
Branding guidelines for the brand Resbite, designed by Creamos agency for the mobile app named like that.

Bocetos Conceptuales de Personaje

Character concept sketches for the mobile app Resbite. The image shows different characters doing different activities together.

Wireframes y Diseño de la Aplicación

wireframes designed by the Creamos agency for the mobile app called Resbite.
Mock-ups designed by the Creamos agency for the mobile app called Resbite.

Video Explicativo

Diseño y Animación de Personajes

Character illustrations for the mobile app Resbite, created by Creamos agency. Illustrations show different people practicing different activities.

Diseño Web

animated illustration of the Resbite website being scrolled iMac frame
animated illustration of the Resbite website being scrolled iMac frame

Video Promocional